Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Working Moms: Creating New Year Intentions stick

Each January 1st a new year offers potential opportunities without limits or end. This is an exciting time - a new beginning. A time when many working moms created intent for next year. Most of us are great in the setting of intentions, but not so great to see through.

If after a couple of days, weeks or months, you forget about the intention of the new year and fall back into old activities or patterns, you're not alone. Follow, although it is undoubtedly the hardest part for most of us. I will introduce six tips to help you create the intention that stick.

The first place to look when you create the intention of the new year is to look at the language used to articulate them. Do you use words that they feel they are just one more thing to add to your to-do list? Ugggh! As a busy working mother is likely to have a task list which is already a mile long. No need to add anything to it.

Instead, as you move through the tips below using language that encourages and inspires you. Use words that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. In doing so, their intentions will be less as a burden or something to make your to-do list and more like an exciting journey full of hope to live a life you love.

This year we invite you to use the following six tips to help you create the intentions of sticking new year.

The intention in Real Time: Creating the intentions of using language as if they are living in their intention at this time. (I am ... instead of me ...)

The intention of the heart, the overall intentions of his heart - from that place of deep desire and inner wisdom. Cree intentions to revitalize and encourage YOU - intentions that are compelling and exciting. The fact that you or someone else thinks it should change does not mean that's really what I want and feel motivated or excited to do. (No "should", "being" or "musts" allowed.)

The intention is clear: What exactly are the creation and intention for himself? Get as specific as possible. The details are good and important.

With the intention of Integrity: Keep your intentions visible and the top of the mind, so you can remember and focus on them. Stick up on Post-It notes, or tape on his desk. Move when they no longer notice them. Listening to music, read poems, find or create art, wear tiffany uk store locator or use your regular schedule to help remind you of them and keep them alive.

With the intention of Support: Share your intentions with others. Put your intentions in the world. Do not just keep it to yourself. Share with your partner to other friends, relatives or other busy working moms. You can even set daily, weekly or monthly check-in with them for more accountability. And invite others to join you in the process of creating intentions stick. You can then support each other.

The intention in his song: Do not settle or sell yourself short. Really go for it. Go to that edge where it begins to feel that feeling nervous and excited. (Butterflies in the stomach with the signal frequency is at its edge). Stretch and challenge and fly. If you can dream it, you can.

Setting intentions that stick might be new to you or may even feel awkward at first. Give it a try anyway! One year he loves living awaits. Living environment and intentions quite exciting and inspiring to help you get there. Do not let the intentions of escape. This year, states the intentions of sticking.

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