Monday, April 18, 2011


"Life is short" or "You Only Live Once" are phrases commonly heard when people are discussing money and critic. Why are you worried about the money, even if it is used quite trivial things? Your answer to this might be that the money only once or something like that is negligible.

Why are people willing to spend a significant portion of their fortune on expensive things, they do not really need is a good question. Why would anyone buy a new car, a designer kitchen or a diamond engagement ring, if you can be just as happy with less?

New Cars

Apart from many people who drive company cars, there is still a large group of people who buy private cars and to continually invest in their car. The advantage of continuity, is that after a long period, he will not spend more, unless the owner turnover decreases.

The reasoning may be that there is always a decent and tiffany key chains reliable car, but the same applies as for a new used car mileage, which change every few years. It is prestige? The fact that it is more important than a new car make and model is it? Most bizarre phenomenon in this sense is to drive a new car until it is ready to scrap and buy new, same brand and model name. Where is the logic?

Kitchen Design

A kitchen design is an area so well designed that only after a while, you discover that you can actually use for cooking. If the kitchen can be effective or not is an entirely different matter. But this issue does not bother many buyers of designer kitchens. Many of them do not even intend to cook an egg for them the design factor is critical to its decision to spend more than twice the amount spent in a "normal" cooking.

something that no one seems to consider, is that kitchens are used rarely, lasts a lifetime. So I'm certainly old-fashioned, the equipment will be obsolete.

Engagement Rings

An expense that is very difficult to understand from a logical point of view is the engagement ring. Is inevitably followed by a wedding ring, which is as or more expensive. A good reason to celebrate their commitment in a small enough, you might say. But nothing can stop the fans to invest heavily in engagement rings, even if the price is way over budget. There is only one sentence that makes sense here: "Love is blind."

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