Saturday, April 23, 2011

Express yourself with body jewelry

Quite a long time, body jewelry was considered taboo, and many overlook it as something thats not respectable and generally not accepted. Today, it is quite a different story, even if the piercing of the hull itself has become more or less accepted in society, most of the rings for both men and women. Sure, you can not wait to go around the edges, like a mask with rings and find a personal work, but you can still do a lot of potential harm to the body in any way.

Lip piercing is very common nowadays know that labret worn rings and come in different shapes and sizes, particularly suitable for any equipment and clothing style. If you are fairly subtle with his labret, should be able to incorporate in the eye without offending anyone and really improve the populations of interest to you.

In addition, you should try to do something with a little nose ring next to it (as a shining jewel to complement the color of the blouse) can be a stylish addition to your appearance and, indeed, something of a gloss conversation at times.

While still in the face, eyebrows are also a popular place for changes for many people, and theres certainly a lot that you can take the form of piercing not only can you choose another location along your eyebrows, but there are tiffany wholesale also many styles of rings available for you to choose from, making it one of the most interesting accessories to constantly change their look.

If you're a girl, you can also use the polar ring. This is a very versatile accessory, like the perfect thing to wear a party and liven up the looks but also very easy to hide a formal setting, it is one of the easiest types of body piercing are daily wear.

Nipples have grown in popularity as the choice of piercing in recent times, although statistics show that men are more prone to this than women. Yet, it is suitable for both sexes and depends entirely on your preferences. Of course, women should take care to do so in a professional manner to avoid damage to their ability to feed the baby later.

Last but not least, try to throw some 'variety in your looks sure to be a strange piercing shine peoples interest, but if you want to keep, you should try different styles and accessories, and perhaps in different places dont answer for the style worked for you at the beginning, is constantly trying to change yourself and get the most out of your body this is the only way you can develop the full potential and become a person of vision can be fascinating!

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